Hellerian Capitalism IV: Francis Fukuyama's Patrimonialism
Nicholas Roerich ‘Study of Mountains’ 1933 As Francis Fukuyama himself seems quite keen to emphasise, ‘impersonality’ and ‘patrimonialism’ are probably the two most significant theoretical concepts in his just-released second volume of a popular history of ‘the state’ and political development. The first volume was The Origins of Political Order , and the new one is titled Political Order and Political Decay . After the tough criticism my 2009 book made of Fukuyama’s earlier and very innovative 2004 book State-Building , it is to his considerable credit that Fukuyama has belatedly now caught up with the basic logic of the fundamental Weberian idea that development of impersonality and transitions out of patrimonialism (personalism) are the defining elements in the emergence of the modern state. Fukuyama distinguishes ‘patrimonialism’ from ‘modern capitalism’, and describes their transition as the central dynamic of institutional change in history. Correctly, lik...